How to Iron Without an Ironing Board [3 Best Ways in 2022]

Many people prefer the use of the iron board because it’s an easy way to get your clothes ironed. Nonetheless, you will find many households that do not have them for reasons that may range from not having money to not liking ironing at all. Not every household has the space to add a special room for ironing clothes, and for many, it isn’t the ideal investment.

For those who don’t have them, they still find a way to iron their clothes, just like me, I use the best vertical steam irons to get the job done. Not having an ironing board doesn’t, in any way, mean that you can’t use iron. In this guide, we will discuss ways to iron without an ironing board. If you do not have an ironing board, this guide is for you to read! Who says you can’t iron without an ironing board? Here is how you can iron your clothes with ease!

Methods to Iron Without an Ironing Board

There are several ways that this can be done, and we shall be discussing some of these methods with step by step procedure.

Method 1: Look for a Secure Surface

Step 1: First things first, you need to look for an even or a flat surface like a table or a floor. It’s better to go for choosing something the size of the clothes that you are planning to iron, or possibly larger. For an easier approach, it is better to find something which is at a reasonable height and where an electric outlet is present for your iron to be plugged.

Step 2: Next, you need to find a surface that is heat-resistant like a tile or a wood. If you choose to use fabric over it, like a mat or something, you must still ensure that the surface is heat-resistant to prevent any harmful incidents.

Step 3: Using a fabric resistant to heat, you need to cover the area. Some such fabrics include linen, canvas, wool, towel, or blanket. The use of delicate fabrics should be avoided such as rayon or lace as such fabric can easily be damaged.

Step 4: Next, you need to do the ironing of the garment based on the care tag attached carefully. Alongside, make sure to check the fabric, so it doesn’t get too heated. Also, never place it flat-faced on the surface and ensure that it’s unplugged once you’re done the ironing.

Method 2: Looking for Alternatives for Ironing Clothes

Technique 1: Making use of an ironing blanket

If you don’t have an ironing board, you can make use of an alternative method like using an ironing blanket. Ironing blankets can turn almost any surface into the perfect place for ironing. You can easily get one online or purchase it from the store. More simply, it can be placed on a sturdy, flat, and leveled surface, possibly a desk or a dining table. Even beds and floors can be the perfect place for using an ironing blanket, hence serving as a useful alternative method to using an ironing board.

Technique 2: Making or buying a magnetic ironing mat

A magnetic ironing mat is designed in a way that allows the mat to stay in place while you iron your clothes. It is made of a thick sheet of fabric that prevents too much heat from transferring to the lower part. The thick sheet makes your ironing safe while the magnet holds the mat in place. Once set, you can easily iron your clothes. If you can get an ironing mat, the story doesn’t end there. You can always make yourself an ironing mat.

For making the mat, you can take a 100% polyester (for middle) and a 100% cotton fabric (for top and bottom) of size 39 inches by 18 inches. Next, you need to sew the layers together in the order described above for the middle, top, and bottom parts and sew a magnet at each end of the sheet. You will get these materials easily from a local fabric shop or a local superstore anywhere near your area.

Technique 3: Making a portable board for ironing

One alternative method to using an ironing board is to make one for yourself! If you don’t have one, you can always make one yourself. As a first step, you need to find a piece of wood with dimensions 36 inches by 24 inches in size approximately. Once you find that piece of wood, cover it with a fabric that is resistant to heat like canvas and linen and then secure it by stapling it at the ends. Once secured, it can be used with ease to iron clothes.  

By doing this, you have prepared your ironing board. Once the board is ready, you can lay it anywhere on top of a firm, level area, and then use it for ironing. The material such as batting, foaming, and fabric will easily be available on a local fabric store and you can use a spare piece of wood from any shelf which is not in use or a plywood piece.

Method 3: Wrinkle Removing Without the Use of Iron by Using Alternative Methods

Several methods can remove wrinkles without the use of an iron. Some of these can be described below. We have collected a few techniques for you to use. 

Technique 1: Removing wrinkles with a hair straightener

If you need to get a collar crease removed from your shirt or simply to make a collar lie flat, using a simple hair straightener can be an easy and affordable option. Read your garment’s care tag to set the proper heat setting according to the hair straightener. Once the straightener is hot, place the creased part of the garment in the area between the heated plates for almost half a minute. One important thing is that you ensure that the plates of the straightener are clean, so your clothes don’t get dirty or stained and if you’re unsure check out how to clean a sticky iron guide.

Technique 2: Hanging wrinkled clothes in the bathroom while you shower

One other way to iron clothes without an ironing board is hanging the clothes while you shower because the heat and steam will get rid of the wrinkles from the shirt. Without getting them wet, hang your clothes close to the shower. Closing the door while showering will ensure that the steam says inside as you shower. Once you are done showering, give a tight pull to the fabric to ensure that it is free from wrinkles/creases and all set to wear. This can be one of the easiest ways for you to iron your clothes without any effort!

Technique 3: Tossing wrinkled clothes in the dryer for a few minutes (10-15min)

One way to iron clothes without the use of an ironing board is to make use of a dryer. Making use of a dryer, the heat can help you get rid of those wrinkles and iron your clothes. Some dryers may come with the feature of removing wrinkles from clothes, but if your dryer lacks that feature, turn it on the top setting and allow the fabric to get ironed for about 10-15 minutes.

Technique 4: Using a steamer to iron clothes

If you don’t have an ironing board, you can always use a steamer to iron your clothes. Add water to the steamer’s reservoir and plug it in the socket. Once the steamer is heated up, place the garment to be ironed on a hanger and run down the steamer along in straight strokes. Since steamer may not be ideal for all clothes, checking the tag on the garment before using the steamer will be a good idea.

Technique 5: Hanging your clothes instead of folding them

To get rid of wrinkles on the garments, do not fold your clothes and instead hang them in a cupboard as this will help reduce the wrinkles on the shirts. Stacking and piling the clothes makes them more wrinkled, so to reduce the wrinkles you can always hang them and place them in your cupboard. Hanging the clothes will also save your time and energy as it reduces the need for the wrinkles to be settled.

Technique 6: Trying a wrinkle-free spray

An easy and effective way to iron clothes and remove their wrinkles is to make use of the wrinkle-free spray. This spray will be available at any nearest superstore or a fabric shop. To make use of it, you need to lie the garment straight or hang it. Next, use one hand to pull the creased fabric and then use your other hand to generously spray on areas where wrinkles are present on the clothes. Once the spraying is done, smooth the garment with your hand.

Above, we have compiled several methods to iron clothes without an ironing board. Just because you don’t have an ironing board, doesn’t mean that you can’t use iron. Be it the use of steam iron, or simply removing wrinkles with a wrinkle-free spray, ironing is as simple as anything else. With these examples, it becomes clear that you don’t need an iron board to get the ironing done. These methods can be used with ease to get your ironing done!

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